As you know 2020 started off fairly bad worldwide, and then Covid-19 and protests just made it worst.
i have never seen so many breaking and entering in Corona CA, Orange County CA and Los Angeles County my entire locksmith career (16 years).
and i cant even say breaking because the thief's did not need to break anything....they just picked the lock on the door or drilled it open.
business owners are so busy installing plywood on their windows yet leave the basic locks on their doors.
if people really wanna get in, they'll find a way in....however if it will take the thief 2 hours to drill your lock on your business, or less than a minute to drill your neighbors basic security lock....he is going to go to where its easier to bypass, especially since most of these thieves are not professional and they're just looking for easy access.

As you can see in the picture above, the costumer had a high security lock and drilling or forcing it open did not work whatsoever, obviously the lock was damaged to a point that it cant be used, but it did its job and prevented the thieves from accessing his business.
the weak spot for this lock, was that a Schlage housing and the screws were accessible.
we installed a new high security lock for him along with a high security housing for ultimate protection.
We recommend to inspect your doors, frames, latches and strikes of your business or residential property. if it is possible we advise to change the locks to better security locks during these times. if you're in the city of Corona CA and in need of locksmith needs, please don't hesitate to call for information on how to better secure your business or home. another tip that keys & locksmith corona can recommend is to get Security cameras. #Locksmithcorona #Bestlocksmithcorona #highsecuritylocks #Keysandlocksmithcorona #Locksmithduringcovid